Thursday, March 29, 2012

where and how do I get fabric donated to me?  I have a charity I'm working with and would like to do more but financially am not able.  I need more ideas.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

last night I had the ultimate shopping experience.  I went online and chose every fabric I loved and all the supplies I wanted.  didn't worry about cost or anything, just chose what I loved.  then it all went into a wish list instead of the cart. lol.  it probably would have cost around $2000 or more for everything I chose.  eeek!  it still felt great to imagine projects and who they would go for.    ;)

Friday, March 23, 2012

a 2 year old, a newborn (that doesn't sleep) & a visiting puppy then add in the worst allergies ever.  oh ya, I am getting nothing done. I have my quilt top done and waiting to be sewn to the back for my daughter and I just can't get it done.  sink full of dishes, not getting washed.  I guess it's all gonna be there when I'm done.

on another note, I've been looking at other blogs and seeing all the amazing things people are creating and their sewing/craft rooms and I have to admit I am so jealous. one day I hope to have a stash of fabric big enough to create a quilt from without buying anything and on display as beautifully as some of you.  I need to find a fabric donater (is that a word?) to help me out with my quest.  

happy friday!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I'm so proud of myself!  I finished the "rail fence" for my daughter last night.  It's the best I've done so far. all my blocks lined up pretty perfectly and most importantly she loves it.  I'll have to sew the rest together tomorrow.  I have too much to do today.

my next project is to collect all free fabric (shirt tails and what not) to make my mom an old stye quilt like my aunt and great grandmother used to make.  I'm hoping to have it completed by mother's day.  

Sunday, March 18, 2012

yesterday I started my first fence rail, well my and my daughter's version.  I'm not doing too bad. my seams are straight and so were my cuts so I'm proud so far.  I have 6 more strip panels to sew today then square and sew together.  as for the 2 yr old.. well he is hyper as ever and probably more so since I'm busy.  wish me luck!

Friday, March 16, 2012

it's raining today so no park for monster boy.  broken iron so no quilting for mama.  guess I'll straighten up the garage a little and then look online for more giveaway fabric to start my "collection" with.  I get so excited and inspired looking at fabric and seeing the patterns other people have made.  I can't wait to start getting better and making harder designs.  my older kids don't understand and think I'm just obsessed and maybe I am. that's ok with me. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

today I just wanted to start a quilt with a clean house. gave him toast and oatmeal and walked away. he broke it into tiny pieces and threw it on the living room carpet for the ducks. =/  as a bonus my iron broke.  guess I'll try again after a nap.